What is vgy.me?

vgy.me is a free and easy to use image hosting service for everyone.

Upload your images of choice and share them anywhere you like.

No Speed Throttling

There's no fast lanes here!

Secure Encryption

All data between you & us is safe

Ran By Brits

Fueled by tea & crumpets

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upload?

Click on the image box above to open a file dialog to select your images. Alternatively, you can drag & drop images into the same box.

What's the maximum file size?

All users are given a generous 20 MB per image.

Are videos supported?

We do not support video uploads.

Are images modified?

By default, EXIF data is removed from images, if it exists. The image itself is not optimized in any other way. When our system creates thumbnails, it creates a new copy of the image at a reduced quality and size.

What images are supported?

We accept the following extensions:
jpg, jpeg, png, gif

How do I share on [website]?

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide assistance on how to link your images on another website as all websites are different. You should contact the support staff of the website you want to share to for advice.

My upload(s) were deleted?

Uploads are deleted if they violate our Terms of Service, have not been viewed for more than 6 months for anonymous uploads, or have not been viewed for more than 1 year for uploads linked to an account.

Got a question?

Feel free to contact us! We'll try and get back to you as soon as possible.

Software Integrations

You can now upload images through applications right out of the box with the use of ShareX for Windows,
and Dropshare for MacOS/iOS. All that is needed is an account, and an User Key.

To generate a User Key, you will need to visit your Account Details page.